Looking To Party In Night City? Know Your Drugs!

Chloë Alex 07:05 PM, January 29, 2080

Night City's nightlife is widely known as one of the craziest in NUS. Looking to take part in it? Well, you should know a thing or two before you take an unknown pill or shard that will fry your brain. Here's an overview of more common drugs seen around Night City's various parties.

SynthCoke: The second generation, synthetic replacement for cocaine. Like the original, its side effects are nasty: paranoia, psychological addiction. The effects lasts between 2-7 minutes. Usually a hit costs 1,000cr, and is difficult to find.

Stim: Stim increases endurance, allowing the user to stay alert for longer periods. Side effects include mental delusions. The effects lasts between 2-7 minutes. It costs 500cr, and is easy to find.

Syncomp 15: Syncomp is a broad spectrum poison antidote, used to treat nerve and biotoxins. REF is reduced at the rate of 1 point per dose. The effects lasts between 2-7 minutes. It costs 650cr, and is fairly easy to find.

Speedheal: Speedheal is designed to enhance the natural healing processes. Side effects are reduced refelxes for a period of one week after use. The effects lasts between 2-7 hours. It costs 1,650cr, and is nearly impossible to find.

Boost: Boost increases intelligence for a 2-7 hour period. A Boost addict has gained full tolerance — his intelligence is no longer increased, and he must have more Boost within twelve hours or be reduced to screaming fits and hallucinations. It costs 600eb, and is fairly easy to find.

Blue Glass: Blue Glass is a hallucinogenic. It was originally developed as a biological weapon. Under stress, you will have a 30% chance of "flashing out" — reduced to staring blankly at the pretty colors in your mind (reduce intelligence per dose). The effects lasts between 2-7 minutes. It costs 900cr, and is fairly difficult to find.

Smash: Smash is 2020's answer to alcohol — it's yellow, foamy, and comes in cans. It makes you loose, happy and ready to party. The downside is that when it wears off, its psychological addiction component makes you suicidal. If you fail your addiction Save, you sink into total catatonia; a feebly mumbling ball of pain — a ripe target for some Booster looking for spare change. The effects lasts between 2-7 minutes. It costs 100cr per 6-pack, and is not at all difficult to find.

Dorph: Designed as a combat drug and painkiller, endorphins reduce pain and stress effects. 'Dorph allows you to reduce the effects of stun or shock. Dorph also has a nasty cost in nervous system damage. Each time you use 'dorph, you have a 10% chance receiving permanent nerve damage that lowers reflexes. The effects lasts between 5-20 seconds. It costs 250cr, and is not at all difficult to find.

Black Lace: A high powered version of 'Dorph which imparts euphoria, adrenal rush, and invulnerability to pain. Your coolness (composure, willpower) is raised, and you are resistant to stun or shock effects. Lace is deadly. Lace users become fearless, cold-blooded killing machines — exactly what its military designers were looking for. If you fail to resist its addiction, in eats away at your humanity, and you suffer from the effects of cyberpsychosis. The effects lasts between 2-7 hours. It costs 650cr, and is fairly easy to find.

Weed: The old-school, gives a pleasant euphoria and sense of relaxation. Sideffects may include anxiety, fear, distrust, or panic. Generally lasts from 1 to 3 hours. Costs 20cr and is quite easy to find.

That's it for now! These are the more common drugs you may stumble upon, but for a more comprehensive list check out The Big Book Of Drugs. But remember: this is by now means a comprehensive list of all you may find partying around NC. Be sure to exercise caution and don't take anything you aren't sure of.

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