Gang War Started Over A Ham And Cheese Sandwich

Jesse Burns 8:05 PM, February 03, 2080

According to many reports a shooting broke out in Arroyo, between Voodoo Boys and the 6th Street members.

A bystander was willing to share his account of the story: "Imagine this. I'm just sitting at Brogenics, enjoying the days special 3D printed starch grains cooked into a soft porridge and this fuckin' gonk waltzes in with a REAL, A REAL fucking ham 'n cheese sandwich. This big fucking dude with biosculpting, yee-yee-ass lookin' tattoos. Then, get a load of this, he asks the owner if he has any real tomatoes? Motherfucker, who do you think you are asking for real tomatoes around here?!"

Shortly after the situation started to escalate, the owner called in the 6th Street for protection. They were thinking that it was just a dumb rich guy or some prankster looking to stir some trouble. They were about to flatline the guy, but off pops his thumb and a dozen nanorockets made quick work of the 6th Street guys while giving the diner a red makeover in the process.

"It was a fucking trap. They were gonna raze that damn building after that stunt. But they didn’t even let us finish cleaning before we started catching rounds from the overpass. Apparently the big gonk was with the Voodoo Boys and now the backup had arrived. Motherfuckers were ready to roll this entire time, and none ever knew it. If the 6th Street is gonna hit that solo where it hurts, they’re gonna have to cut through all these punks first... and all over a damn ham sandwich."

Real meat has been an immensely limited luxury after the environmental disasters and famines from 2010s to 2050s. However traditional farming and livestock production has been steadily recovering as many debate over if returning to real meat is the right move. After all kibble, Single Cell Organic Proteins, erzats and soya-based foods have been able to feed most everyone so far. Whatever your opinion on the matter, fresh food still holds enough power to start wars over them.